The most popular webkinz toys from ebay


According to reliable source, last updated on May 17, 2007, 12 A.M. Over last 2 months, the champion Webkinz of the MOST POPULAR category is “Cheeky Monkey”, with 4,178 sold with an average price of $24.16, however, it is on a down trend of 35%

The 1st runner up is “Golden Retriever” with 6 slight units different from Cheeky Monkey, with an average price of $17.49 and on 19% uptrend

The 2nd runner up is the “Horse”, yelling 3,931 units sold, with the highest average price of $25. and the rest are Chihuahua, Polar Bear, Dalmation, Koala, Unicorn, Pig and Tree Frog as depicted in picture below.

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